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Taking care of your body, mind and spirit

John Coleman is one of Australia’s most experienced naturopaths specialising in neurodegenerative disorders, autoimmune disorders, and chronic stealth infections.

John no longer accepts new patients but offers a service of assessing the most likely causes of your diagnosed (or undiagnosed) disorder, then referring to appropriate, experienced practitioners who have received mentoring from him.

This ensures that you receive the best possible care and support on your journey to wellness.



Download the Assessment Questionnaire to your device, complete it thoroughly, then email to the address given. Make sure you follow all instructions and add copies of any tests or scan reports.


Questionnaire for Assessment and Referral

New patients are no longer accepted at Return To Stillness.


John now offers an assessment and referral service for those diagnosed with chronic disorders. From information provided by you, he will discern the likely causes of your illness process, then refer you to the most appropriately qualified and experienced practitioner for long-term care.
To take advantage of John’s experience in finding the causes of diagnosed disorders, download the Assessment Questionnaire to your device, complete it very thoroughly, then email it together with copies of any relevant tests or scan reports.  Questionnaires will be examined and analysed in chronological order of receipt and payment.
The cost for this work (one to two hours) is A$100. On receipt of your questionnaire, Australian applicants will be sent an invoice with bank details for bank transfer; overseas applicants will be sent a PayPal invoice. Your assessment and referral will be completed as soon as possible after payment.
A copy of your assessment questionnaire, tests, and scans, plus John’s extensive notes on causes and suggested treatment plan will be forwarded to the practitioner selected, and their details sent to you so can easily make contact.

John offers practitioners the opportunity to be mentored in treatment protocols for Parkinson’s Disease, Parkinson’s Plus disorders, Autoimmune disorders and Lyme and co-infections

The usual mentoring format is discussion of a patient’s history and challenges in detail, or exploration of particular strategies to help those with definite diagnoses. John also offers mentoring during challenge tests or clinical diagnosis processes.

Mentoring may be face to face or via Skype, and there is a small charge of $25 per 15 minutes. Mentoring sessions may be from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours.
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