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John Coleman


Parkinson’s disease is considered by most medical practitioners to be “idiopathic” – that is of no known cause.

Despite well over a billion dollars being invested in research to find a cause for Parkinson’s, the answer remains elusive, unless we look beyond the conservative view of illness in general and Parkinson’s in particular.

When I became ill in 1995 and was diagnosed with advanced Parkinson’s plus early stage MSA, I was told that nobody knew the cause, there was no cure and I could take some drugs to keep me “comfortable as long as possible”.

Even though I was desperately ill, I felt that this was an unsatisfactory explanation of my state, a defeatist prognosis, and thought that there HAD to be a better way.

I read hundreds of studies, papers, journals and abstracts on Parkinson’s and its treatment, but could find nothing about causes or ways to become well. Then I expanded my search to factors influencing neurodegeneration in general and struck gold. There seemed, even then, to be significant knowledge about many factors that would exacerbate or had the potential to slow neurodegeneration.

Parkinson’s disease is considered to be a neurodegenerative disease, so this information seemed to me to be most relevant to my illness. The more I read, the more I understood why my body had developed symptoms of severe and dramatic illness, what and who had been instrumental in the illness process, and began to develop some strategies to, at least, slow the progression.

I recognised that, if my life was to improve, it was up to me and no one else.

During the next 25 years, I spent all available time exploring possible causes of neurodegeneration, autoimmune dysregulation and chronic inflammation.

2012 was another year for “striking gold”, but in a most unfortunate way. My wife, Nichol, was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease and we had great difficulty in finding appropriate treatment in Australia. So I began studying a new aspect of chronic illness. Excitingly, I found ways to help Nichol and a contributing factor for about 30% of people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Stealth Infections, often generically called “Lyme Disease” (true Lyme disease is infection with a very specific pathogen) contribute significantly to many chronic disorders like Parkinson’s MSA, PSP, MS and many more. Effectively treating the infection can reduce or eliminate symptoms of the diagnosed diseases.

By 2018, I had gathered so much information about causes that I knew I had to write another book so those diagnosed with an “incurable” disease could make more appropriate choices, develop recovery strategies, and improve our lives. Working to reverse the effects of the three major aetiological pathways – trauma/high stress, toxins and stealth infections – can reverse the symptoms of our diagnosed “disease”, allowing us to resume a joyful, healthy life.

There is no “cure” for these chronic diseases and, in my opinion, there never will be. The billions of dollars spent on trying to develop medications (very profitable, of course) to block, change or destroy some chemical reaction is doomed to failure unless we devote more resources to finding and reversing the actual causes in each person.

It’s not as hard as it sounds. Many patients can discover their individual causes by examining their lives, relationships, food choices and environment. For others, an aware practitioner is the best way for discovery. In today’s medical environment, patients need to take responsibility for searching for causes and/or a practitioner to help them.

We don’t need a “cure”. We need to start with the causes, remove or reverse the products, environments or people that are the causes, then treat the effects of those causes. Then we can recover our health.

All this, and much more is contained in “Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease” available from many sources here –

Practitioners, Health Food Stores and similar professionals can purchase from Ariya Health –


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